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Voces Æquales

Lauds from Dante’s Age and Renaissance Music on Dante Texts

Thursday 25 August 7 p.m.
Nógrád, Catholic Church (22 Hunyadi Street) Venue » | Eating-out facilities »


Voces Æquales vocal ensemble


The beautifully renovated baroque Roman Catholic parish church in Nógrád houses the concert of Voces Æquales vocal ensemble renown all over Europe. Together with Villő vocal ensemble they gave the unforgettable opening concert of 2009 Börzsöny Baroque Days. This year they perform plainchants (Lauds) from Dante’s age in Italian language as well as pieces written on Dante’s words by Arcadelt, Merulo, Palestrina and Pisano.

Voces Æquales

The ensemble was founded in 1993 by six male singers to perform Renaissance pieces, especially church music. Since then they have given a lot of concerts both in Hungary and Europe. The ensemble does not only aim to sound the works in an impressive way but paralelly to their musical performance they also endeavour to convey a more general message through the programmes.

Voces Æquales
Voces Æquales

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